We’re excited to launch the new and improved Bridgehill wheeled Fire Blanket Cabinet!
Recognizing the need for industry standards to ensure consistent quality and reliability,…
During a business trip to demonstrate our Bridgehill Fire Blankets for electric vehicle fi…
Electric Vehicle Fire in Vilnius Underscores Urgent Need for Fire Containment Solutions.
Last week, Bridgehill hosted its first demonstration of fire blankets in Oradea, Romania,…
Bridgehill Attends Automechanika Shanghai Dec. 2-5th 2024: Join Us for an Exciting Showcas…
A Tesla Cybertruck caught fire last week in Harlingen, Texas, ironically after crashing in…
Alarming trend suggests that EV fires are not as rare as previously assumed, prompting the…
In Anerkennung des Bedarfs an Branchenstandards zur Sicherstellung einheitlicher Qualität…
Bridgehill has recently received a certification from the Scientific and Research Center f…
Bridgehill Fire Blankets: Essential Safety Measures for Latin America's Electric Bus Revol…
Bridgehill and our partner, Yone Corporation, organized a car fire blanket demonstration i…
Tesla crash at a Burger King in Norway leaves no injuries
We are glad to share that we have obtained NFPA 701 certification for Car Pro X and Car St…
Êtes-vous prêt à faire face aux incendies de véhicules électriques? Rencontrez Bridgehill…
How the Bridgehill Car Fire Blanket can help prevent large EV fires
Centro Zaragoza tests the Bridgehill reusable fire blanket on an electric vehicle.
Car fire blanket test at RISE Fire Research.
A typical car fire need 500 gallons of water. An electric vehicle fire needs 30,000 gallon…
We are excited to join FDIC International from April 15-20, at the Indiana Convention Cent…
One of the world's largest producers of farmed salmon, SalMar, averted a major fire with a…
The recent exhibition at Inter Aigis in Athens, Greece was a resounding success!
South Metro Fire Rescue Centennial, Colorado responded to an electric vehicle fire inside…
See photos from our latest trip to the US.
Bridgehill was co-organizer of Park Lodge International Fire Investigation course in Oslo,…
EV fire demonstration in Japan
Greater numbers of Electric Vehicles (EVs) are coming onto the roads all the time.
Our founder, Frank Brubakken, has been asked about fire blankets´role in first response an…
This spring the Norwegian importer of Volkswagen, Audi, and Škoda, Harald A. Møller, incre…
Real case scenario from East Wittering, UK.
You are about to see how a thermal runaway in an electric vehicle may develop.
Bridgehill Car Fire Blanket PRO X - reusable for up to 30 car fires.
We are proud to announce our partnership with the Norwegian Volkswagen, Audi, Škoda, Seat…
This week we have the honor of visiting Belgrade in Serbia.
Bridgehill Lithium Fire Blanket and Car Pro X Fire Blanket used on Lithium-ion Battery Mod…
KGK and Umeå Fire Department in Sweden have tested Bridgehill fire blankets - "safe, clima…
We are incredible humble to be nominated to the Export Award arranged by Innovation Norway…
Yone Co., Ltd has donated fire blankets to the fire service headquarters in Toyota City, A…